Taking care of baby bearded dragons can be a challenging task. However, if you do your research properly and are prepared to take the time to learn more, you can make the process a lot easier.
Keeping your baby bearded dragon happy and healthy requires special care. One of the first things you’ll want to do is ensure you are providing enough food for your pet. This means mixing various types of fruits and vegetables.
Your baby bearded dragon will also need to have access to water. If your dragon isn’t drinking properly, it could lead to dehydration. Using a misting system to keep your baby’s habitat moist is a great way to ensure your dragon has access to adequate water. You can also buy UVA or UVB fluorescent light bulbs, which emit light that helps support your baby’s metabolism.
Your baby bearded dragon will likely eat mainly insects. Crickets and mealworms are the most common live foods for beardies. You can find these insects at most pet stores. These are easy to store and not expensive at all.
Newly hatched beardies need protein for growth. It’s a good idea to feed them soft fruit once a month. Be careful not to overfeed them, however. If you do, it can cause problems such as obesity and teeth issues.
The best live food for young beardies is crickets. You can also offer waxworms, superworms, and Phoenix worms. These are all easy to store and are a lot less costly than live insects.
If your beardie isn’t eating much, you may need to increase the amount of protein you’re giving him. You can also add soft rabbit pellets, but be careful not to overfeed your dragon.
If your bearded dragon is showing signs of ill health, such as sunken eyes, discolored stomach, and swollen tail, it’s important to see a vet. Alternatively, you can try feeding your beardie a multivitamin powder that is coated on the insect’s body. You can also use a syringe to give your bearded dragon a watery mix of food and nutrients.
Your baby bearded dragon should be kept at a temperature of 78-88 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. When nighttime rolls around, lower the temperature to 70 degrees. You can also mist the walls and decorations of your bearded dragon’s enclosure to help him drink more water.
Proper substrate
Choosing the correct substrate for your baby bearded dragon is a very important part of keeping your pet healthy and happy. There are many different types of substrates and each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
The best substrate for a baby bearded dragon is a material that is easy to change and clean. Newspaper is a great choice, and it’s relatively cheap. It can be removed from the enclosure and replaced with fresh paper in minutes.
In addition, the paper substrate can help blot up liquid messes. It can also hide feeder insects. This makes it a great choice for a bare floor terrarium.
Although the newspaper substrate isn’t as aesthetic as the others, it can make life easier for you and your baby. The substrate is easily cleaned by using a standard washing machine. The downside is that you need to remove it from time to time.
The other great thing about newspaper substrate is that it comes in several colors. You can choose the color that matches your enclosure.
It’s also a very effective way to keep the tank sanitary. It’s also a great alternative to gravel and pebbles, which can be dangerous for your pet. You can find large rocks at some garden centers.
The wood substrate is also a good option, and it’s a good choice for hiding boxes. However, it’s not a good choice for the entire enclosure. It’s too absorbent, and it can also build up pathogens.
Another option is to use a shelf liner. The liner is available in several colors, and can be cleaned in a regular washing machine. You should spot clean it as needed, and don’t put it in the dryer. This makes maintenance of the tank much simpler.
As for the sexiest substrate for a baby bearded dragon, the answer is hard to say. Some experts believe that the sand or other loose-particle materials are the best. The problem is that not all materials will pass through the tank safely.
The best choice is a solid substrate. If you’re looking for a substrate that can absorb heat, you can try tile or Zen Mat. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a substrate that retains moisture, you can try hay.
UVA and UVB lighting
Keeping your baby bearded dragon happy and healthy requires the addition of UVA and UVB lighting. This is because they require a source of bright white light for energy, appetite, and mental health. These wavelengths also encourage socialization, which is important for these critters.
The best type of UVA and UVB lighting for a Bearded Dragon is a full-spectrum light. It’s not a miracle cure for your pet, but it does provide a healthy dose of vitamin D3 that improves lizard muscle contraction and bone formation. It also helps in controlling bacteria in the environment.
The most common type of bulb used in Bearded Dragon enclosures are fluorescent bulbs. They are inexpensive and produce good quality UVB. However, these bulbs must be replaced periodically, usually every six months.
The next most important kind of UVB bulb is a mercury vapor bulb. These bulbs are much hotter than fluorescents, but they are ideal for enclosures with a closer basking spot. They are also more durable, so they last longer. They can be mounted above the tank, which is better than placing them in the tank.
For most bearded dragon enclosures, the best kind of bulb is a tube. These are a great choice because they provide more UVB than a focused bulb. They should be placed about 6 to 10 inches from the basking spot. It’s important to choose the right kind of bulb for your particular situation.
Another bulb to consider is a Zilla bulb. They are easy to set up and last for up to 12 months. Although they don’t provide the UVB that a full-spectrum bulb does, they are still a great choice for a beardie. They are also the most affordable option.
A high-quality coil bulb can also be useful. Unfortunately, these bulbs can be too strong for Bearded Dragons. This can lead to deformities and other problems.
You should get a thermometer to determine the ideal temperature for your Bearded Dragon. You can use a UV monitor to measure the UVI within the enclosure. It’s a good idea to use a timer to control the bulb’s output.
Keeping adult and baby bearded dragons together can be beneficial in some ways, but it’s not always the best idea. Having two bearded dragons together in one tank can cause them to get aggressive and ill. These animals are solitary by nature, and having them with other reptiles may have an impact on their social lives.
Keep in mind that male and female bearded dragons are territorial creatures. This means they will fight over food, space and territory. In the wild, multiple bearded dragons live in large territories. But in your home, having only one bearded dragon can make it easier to control your lizards.
Some people keep a few baby bearded dragons in 20-gallon tanks. Others keep their babies in smaller tanks. However, regardless of the size of the tank, you should always have a second tank available. This will allow you to separate your bearded dragons quickly.
Before you bring your new bearded dragons home, you should have your tanks custom built. You should also have a thermometer installed to ensure that your lizards are staying at the proper temperatures.
You can use a temperature gun to scan the different areas of your tank for temperatures. The ideal temperature for your bearded dragons is between 65 and 70 degrees. If your home is lower than this, you will need a ceramic heat emitter.
When you bring your adult and baby bearded dragons home, make sure you quarantine them for at least a month. This will give you the opportunity to check them for any parasites. Then, you can re-introduce them into the main tank.
You should never put more than one male and one female into a tank. This can result in dominance issues. They will try to take over the same spot for basking.
Bearded dragons can develop respiratory infections. These illnesses can be caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites. They can be treated with oral and injectable antibiotics. They may also have open-mouth breathing, decreased appetite and lethargy.
You should always have a vet examine your baby bearded dragons. You should also pay close attention to their social interactions.
How often should I feed my baby bearded dragon?
Young bearded dragon’s should be fed three times a day and given as many insects as they will eat in 10-15 minutes.
How long can a baby bearded dragon go without eating?
A young bearded dragon can go 12 to 24 hours without food. An adult bearded dragon can go up to two months without food.